They are on premises. You can see for yourself how beautiful these animals are.
My dogs are brought up running free on my property. They swim in the pool or salt water. We pen them at night and when people come to see them.... unless the people who come to see them is wearing their dog clothes..LOL. When the weather is too cold or too hot they are brought inside. They are kissed and hugged every day of their lives. They all get along with each other, they sometimes share their pens and dog houses if they don't want to sleep alone. Their temperament is AWESOME!
I can truthfully say that I have NEVER had any problems with my line of German Shepherds. Including - BONE and HIPS! The oldest dog I have on premises is "Eva". "Eva" is now 5 years old. Her parents were "Ike and Heidi Sr". "Ike" and "Heidi Sr." were both put to sleep due to old age. Sadly, they both walked into the veterinarians office the day they were put to sleep about 4 months apart."Ike" was 11 1/2. years old and "Heidi Sr." was about 10 years old.
MY dogs are going to get very big! My females are 98 to 120 lbs. My males get bigger. These dogs are NOT scrawny. They are Very well maintained. My Female dogs blow most of the Male dogs I saw away in size!
My dogs DO NOT have any angulation. Their backs and hind legs are strait.
Most GERMAN - German Shepherds do not have angulation.
Everyone is on premises, Aunts, Uncles, Sisters, Brothers, Grandparents and even Great-Grandparents!
These dogs are extremely intelligent and make great companions! Life long friends!